5 Essential Spring Cleaning Tips For Around Your Home
As the days grow longer and the temperatures start to rise, it's that time of the year again – spring! In New Zealand, spring is a season of renewal, and what better way to embrace this fresh start than by giving your home a thorough spring cleaning? In this blog post, we will share five valuable tips to help you gear your house up for the new season. From decluttering your wardrobe and creating a capsule wardrobe through Facebook Marketplace to taming the garden, we've got you covered.
1. Declutter Your Wardrobe and Create a Capsule Wardrobe
Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to tackle your overflowing wardrobe. In New Zealand, where seasons can change rapidly, maintaining a functional wardrobe is essential. Start by pulling out all your clothing items and categorising them into keep, donate, and sell piles. The 'sell' pile can be a treasure trove for those looking to simplify their wardrobe and make a little extra cash.
With Facebook Marketplace, you can easily create listings for the items you no longer need. Take clear, well-lit photos and write detailed descriptions to attract potential buyers. Not only will you declutter your space, but you'll also contribute to a sustainable fashion culture by giving your clothes a new life with someone else.
TIP: To make life easy, we use the Trademe courier booking system, they collect the item from your door with no printer or sticker needed, just purchase the booking through your trademe account, package it up and you’re sorted!
Storage Boxes and Bins - We use Simplify my home and have a handy code for you to use! MOOCH10 at checkout will get you 10% off
2. Deep Clean and Organise Your Living Spaces
Begin your spring cleaning journey by focusing on the main living areas of your home. Dust and wipe down surfaces, including shelves, tables, and bench tops. Vacuum carpets and rugs, and mop the floors. Don't forget to pay attention to neglected areas, such as baseboards and light fixtures, it’s the time to get it all
Take this opportunity to reorganise your living spaces. Consider adding storage solutions like shelves, bins, or baskets to keep things tidy. A well-organised space not only looks better but also makes daily life more manageable. A good Bissell also brings things back to life - use MOOCH10 on their website for 10% off
TIP: It’s a great opportunity to rotate throws and pillows. take a look at Ruanui station’s home-grown throws, you’ll have them forever. Air your cushion inners out in the sun and store the covers.
3. Refresh Your Outdoor Spaces
In New Zealand, where outdoor living is a way of life, don't neglect your garden and outdoor areas during your spring cleaning. Start by clearing away any debris that has accumulated over the winter months, especially the spouting. Prune your shrubs and trees, especially your hydrangeas, and give your garden a fresh layer of mulch.
Consider adding new plants or flowers to your garden to inject color and vibrancy into your outdoor spaces. Clean and maintain your outdoor furniture, and perhaps give it all a good coating of stain to help protect it again for another year.
Don’t forget your garage too! Your garage or shed gets a work out in the warmer months on many lawn and garden projects, so it’s important you have good storage, we’ve recently installed the Ryobi LINK system and it’s cleaned things up considerably.
TIP: Consider giving the lawn a Kiwicare Turfclean and Green. Spring is the best time of the year for a good lawn reno!
4. Check Your Home's Safety Features
Spring cleaning is an excellent time to ensure your home is safe and secure. Test smoke alarms and cameras, and replace/charge the batteries if necessary. Check and clean your HVAC filters to ensure efficient operation and clean indoor air.
Inspect your home for any signs of damage or wear and tear, especially after the harsher winter months. Address issues promptly to prevent them from worsening and becoming costly repairs.
TIP: We use Philips hue with a sensor function, an added layer of security but also safety when taking things out to the bin at night
5. Tackle the Kitchen and Bathroom
The kitchen and bathroom are two areas that tend to accumulate grime and clutter quickly. Take the time to deep clean these spaces, including appliances, cabinets, and countertops. Dispose of expired food items and organise your pantry - Again simplify my home has amazing products to help with this.
In the bathroom, clean and disinfect surfaces thoroughly. Replace old or worn-out shower curtains, bath mats, and towels for a fresh look. Consider adding some potted plants or new decorative elements to bring a touch of nature indoors.
TIP: If you have the space, consider getting drawer organisation from the likes of FIT NZ, we have them in our home and it’s a game changer.
Spring cleaning in New Zealand is not just about getting your house in order; it's also an opportunity for a fresh start and a renewed sense of comfort and well-being. By following these five essential tips, you'll not only prepare your home for the new season but also make it a more pleasant and functional space for you and your family.