The Bloggers Collective - A new journey


The Bloggers Collective

The Bloggers Collective

The food nest

The Bloggers Collective

Loving ellies belly

The Bloggers Collective




Georgia and I have been blogging for 2 years now. When we started blogging we didn't know what we were doing or where it would take us - exciting right!?Over coffee, Vanessa Ortynsky and I discuss blogging and the lack of community in Christchurch. It doesn't matter if you're a tech blogger, a home styler or a makeup artist who vlogs about the latest lip kit, we all have similar challenges and goals. Having a better sense of community in Christchurch for bloggers is key for brands as well as the blogger, we have something to say, we are all on a journey and we are truly passionate about what we are sharing (otherwise we wouldn't put all the hours that we do into it).So we set out on a new journey - we didn't know how it would go OR how many bloggers there were actually were to be involved in a meetup. We decided that the first event will be a meet and greet where we can all have brunch and a general good yarn. Finding the space in Christchurch for 20+ people on a Sunday was tricky, people were turning us down (come on!!!  You're getting 20 people who are glued to social media) and some weren't even open. When we contacted Bunsen to use their upstairs area they were more than welcoming - what an amazing venue for this type of event, fast service, delicious food and a stunning setting.As I said, bloggers are passionate people so we reached out to a few brands who aligned with what we wanted The Bloggers Collective to be based on - authenticity and dedication. We made up goodie bags for the day and had just enough with sign ups booming toward the end. We had a vision for TBC to be exclusive to bloggers from all strengths. The day was just that, we had a Dad blogger, lifestylers, fitness and health, travel, graphic enthusiast -- the list goes on, it couldn't have been a better mix.The brunch was a huge success and we all jelled so well, the vision for authenticity really showed its colours at TBC. Between the clinking of cutlery against crockery, you could hear laughter, in-depth discussion, networking and friendships being made.TBC was also great to look at where Georgia and I are now and how blogging nurtured us into the direction of where we are, we couldn't be happier/busier and we work bloody well as a team.We have many events in the pipeline and a list that will no doubt continue to grow. If you're reading this and you came along - thanks so much for being a part of this journey with us, if you're reading this and you want to be on the mailing list for future events, just sign up via our form and we will be in touch from there