The side table

Our first side table up cycle!!

It's been really hard to pick up old pieces of furniture to up-cycle in Christchurch for a reasonable priceI came across a great little occasion table off trade me from Nurse Maude which seem to have great bargains all the time (don't auction battle me).  It's summer here in New Zealand and I really want to make the most of the great weather we are having - especially because it stays warm for so long in Canterbury.becc4-photo2b19-11-15252c2b52b302b352bamThis piece was something really different for me as I had never played around with edging.  I am useless with a fine brush so decided to go for an Elmers Gold Painters pen from Bunnings, this pen is fantastic I chose the medium as I didn't need a sharp edge and could use the shape of the piece to cut in to. 6395b-photo2b19-12-15252c2b32b512b212bpmWhen I first saw the table I knew it deserved something classy that could be used in any space so I went straight to my Voodoo Molly Vintage paint colour swatch to choose something - Georgia my trusty colour consultant was a huge help again and we chose charcoal and damn im happy with it!! The beauty of this paint is that it hides any imperfections, so if you have a piece that you are looking at up-cycling take a look at their paint colour - they even have handy tutorials on how to use their paints (tell them Mooch Style recommended you). bdbf8-photo2b19-12-15252c2b32b592b262bpmThis piece needed no sanding, no touch ups just a few quick coats of the charcoal vintage paint and then down to the trimming of the gold, I SLOWLY painted the edges first and then filled in the middle.  Its really important you let the gold paint dry thoroughly before touching up as it needs time to key in.556a3-photo2b19-11-15252c2b52b332b392bamNext time you having something like this on the go please get in touch via our Facebook page and keep us in the loop we would love to feature your product and help out with any questions you have.